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πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Trellis upgrade lets encrypt

Older Trellis instances have been giving issues with renewing the Lets Encrypt certificate. The V1 endpoint is being deprecated. To use the new endpoint Trellis needs to be upgraded.


Switch to correct Ansible version

Newer Trellis versions support Ansible 2.8+:

Terminal window
brew switch ansible 2.8.5_1

Provision server

The newer Trellis versions ship with PHP 7.4, so the server needs to be re-provisioned. This happens mostly without issues 🀞 .

Terminal window
trellis provision production


502 Bad Gateway

If the server is provisioned and shows a bad gateway it’s most likely that PHP didn’t start correctly.


Terminal window
root@site$ service php7.4-fpm restart

Enable caching

First run:

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trellis provision --tags letsencrypt production

and then:

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trellis provision --tags wordpress production